I remember when my mummy told me we where going to volunteer at Tinkers Bubble .We lived in a small house on the side of a road and decided we needed a change so we went for a week and we instantly fell in love with the land (and the chickens). When we left we loved it so much we decided to go back, 2 months past and we where back in nature. I was very exited and could not wait to start are new adventure!
We were greeted very well with lots of lovely and interesting people. For a whole year I was home schooled and after that I started school I meet lots of lovely children. I have an amazing friend called Grace! I did my first speech to rebel against plastic, fossil fuels and other things!
I love Tinkers Bubble because I can sit anywhere and listen to the sound of the birds and the breeze brushing through the trees. I am so lucky to be here and who knows where life will take me and where the adventure will go.
Thank you for reading
Eve x
