Megan Willoughby
Jul 26, 2023
A post written in May 2023 reflecting on the chaos and abundance of springtime.

Megan Willoughby
Feb 1, 2023
I bought a pin at the post office the other morning, a small metal pin shaped and coloured like an otter, mounted on a blue piece of card...

Megan Willoughby
Jan 23, 2023
Like Talking to a Brick Wall...
By reclaiming our attention can we learn to make better choices for the world?

Megan Willoughby
Oct 26, 2022
Caring for and raising animals for meat is hard.
We need more stories or care in our food systems.

Megan Willoughby
Jan 29, 2022
Bursting our Bubbles.
Thinking about islands, cycles, bubbles and home.

Alex Toogood
Dec 14, 2021
Walking Generatively
"Loving the world is not enough. We must learn to heal it." - Franz Dolp

Megan Willoughby
Oct 18, 2021
Sleep of Trust
"Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature's...

Megan Willoughby
Sep 1, 2021
There and Back Again; A Bubblers Tale.
Teaching a goat to say ‘finger’ and other investigations into our care during my month away.

Megan Willoughby
Jul 12, 2021
Into the Woods...
I joined the woods almost four months ago now. Packing up my bags somehow less practically than the classic ‘hanky-bundle on the end of a...

Eve Tizard
Jul 3, 2021
The adventure of my family!
I remember when my mummy told me we where going to volunteer at Tinkers Bubble .We lived in a small house on the side of a road and...

Phil Charters
Jul 2, 2021
mmm... Blog
Phil arrives at the Bubble. Hello Phil.